arcanamundi: Coca-Cola light - blood orange flavor!
arcanamundi: Lychee and rose yogurt.
arcanamundi: Salad of young shoots
arcanamundi: Produce from Monoprix
arcanamundi: Loot from Monoprix
arcanamundi: Monsieur Propre versus Les Insectes Rampantes
arcanamundi: Groceries, Saturday edition.
arcanamundi: Banania!
arcanamundi: Banania!
arcanamundi: Monoprix produce - soup veggies, apples, cucumber
arcanamundi: Baguette and eggplant caviar
arcanamundi: The Swedish icecube tray with which I have a love-hate relationship.
arcanamundi: Butter with Normandy marsh salt crystals. 1 Euro.
arcanamundi: Soignon mi-chevre: the best goat cheese ever.
arcanamundi: Je vais vous croquer, monsieur.
arcanamundi: Whole pickled beet. Named Betty!
arcanamundi: I'd forgotten how much I loved this Knorr olive-oil-and-herbs veggie bouillon.
arcanamundi: Chocolate mousse and pink rhubarb yogurt and blood orange Diet Coke and everything else, oh my.
arcanamundi: My niece would probably enjoy one of these pink pigs!