Randy Bayne:
Jaw Dropping
Randy Bayne:
Hold the Dog
Randy Bayne:
Lilac Clematis
Randy Bayne:
Green Heron
Randy Bayne:
Randy Bayne:
Dive, Dive, Dive
Randy Bayne:
Painted Turtle
Randy Bayne:
Slider Turtle
Randy Bayne:
Wood Chair
Randy Bayne:
Blue Jay
Randy Bayne:
Red Shouldered Hawk
Randy Bayne:
Contemplating Lunch
Randy Bayne:
Randy Bayne:
Canada Goose
Randy Bayne:
Eastern Bluebird
Randy Bayne:
American Goldfinch
Randy Bayne:
Goslings Resting
Randy Bayne:
Blue Heron
Randy Bayne:
Pileated Woodpecker
Randy Bayne:
Pileated Woodpecker
Randy Bayne:
Pileated Woodpecker
Randy Bayne:
Pileated Woodpecker
Randy Bayne:
Pileated Woodpecker
Randy Bayne:
Petunia with backlight
Randy Bayne:
Blue Heron
Randy Bayne:
Great Blue Heron
Randy Bayne:
Northern Cardinal
Randy Bayne:
Randy Bayne:
Randy Bayne:
Red Shouldered Hawk