A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): I am asking Allah أسألك ربي
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): عليه الصلاة و السلام
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): أستغفر الله
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): EXPLORE IT DONT BURN IT إكتشفوه لا تحرقوه
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): أستغفر الله
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): اللهم صلي عليه
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): The main purpose of creation
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): لا نفرق بين أحد من رسله
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): يا حسرة على العباد
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): القرآن الكريم
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): سبحان الله و بحمده
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): سبحان الله الحمدلله
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): الغلاف الخارجي the cover
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): مبارك عليكم الشهر
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): الذين يتبعون
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): قل سيروا في الأرض
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): قولوا آمنا say we beleive
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): أأنتم أشد خلقا
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): In brief words "who is Mohammad"
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): منارة مسجد الشرهان
A S RSD Q8( excuse 4 slow replies): أسعد الله صباحكم Good morning