show and tell: Bellevue-Staten Building
show and tell: Bellevue-Staten Building
show and tell: Mountain View Cemetery
show and tell: Merritt Family Mausoleum
show and tell: Downtown Oakland
show and tell: Lake Merritt
show and tell: Port of Oakland
show and tell: Grand Lake Theater
show and tell: Art Deco Grave
show and tell: Sphinx, Mountain View Cemetary
show and tell: Coming Soon: 6 story condo complex
show and tell: Lake Merritt Bird Sanctuary
show and tell: Lake Merritt Night Heron
show and tell: Bellevue-Staten, Lake Merrritt
show and tell: Bellevue-Staten, Lake Merritt
show and tell: Lake Merritt
show and tell: Lake Merritt Dusk Panorama
show and tell: A's Win!
show and tell: Scutaro at Bat with Bases Loaded
show and tell: Cormorants
show and tell: Garbage Can, Splash Pad Park
show and tell: Grand Lake Theatre and Palm
show and tell: Grand Lake Theatre
show and tell: Ahn's Burger Parking Lot
show and tell: Playstation 3 Line: November 17, 7:00 AM
show and tell: Easter Sunday, 2007
show and tell: Lonely Room
show and tell: Bellevue Staten Building
show and tell: Bellevue Staten Building
show and tell: Ahn's 1/4 Pound Burger