arabella: Which starving children to save?
arabella: There's a great story behind this, I just know it
arabella: Fresh caught fish maybe?
arabella: Fax & Photocopy cart!
arabella: A whole garden of evil eyes
arabella: Istanbul
arabella: Istanbul
arabella: Mmm turkish junk food
arabella: Turkish Hammam
arabella: Istanbul
arabella: Wall 'o Bancomat
arabella: Friendly fish man
arabella: Uskudar is the best market
arabella: Not shown: Cone West
arabella: Hajibs
arabella: Turkish toilet in the wild
arabella: He who has the most flags, wins
arabella: Take your shoes off, it's new carpeting
arabella: Tiles
arabella: Blue mosque
arabella: Tulip!
arabella: Hagia Sophia
arabella: Hagia Sophia
arabella: Holy crap it's a flock of people that look like my mom!
arabella: How meta!
arabella: A real live Stairway to Heaven!
arabella: Wall of Warning
arabella: Hagia Sophia
arabella: Ada Hotel view
arabella: Ada Hotel breakfast