arabella: We'll start wth half your total sock stitches on one needle.
arabella: Knit until two stitches before the end.
arabella: Slip the next stich purlwise
arabella: Bring yarn to front (between needles)
arabella: Slip stitch from right needle back to left needle
arabella: Bring yarn back between needles
arabella: Turn your work
arabella: Slip next stitch
arabella: Purl away...
arabella: Until two stitches before the end of the row. Slip next stich purlwise
arabella: Bring yarn to back between needles
arabella: Slip stitch back to left needle
arabella: Turn work
arabella: Bring yarn back between needles
arabella: Slip next stitch
arabella: Some completed wraps
arabella: Picking up a knit wrap: pick up the front leg with the right needle, place on left needle
arabella: Wrap an dknit stitch on left needle
arabella: Knit into both knit stitch and wrap as if it were one stitch
arabella: Turn work
arabella: When you get to the wrapped stitch on the purled side, pick up the back of the wrap and place it over the left needle
arabella: Wrap on left needle
arabella: Purl together as if it were 1 stitch
arabella: It should look like this as it comes off the needle
arabella: Short row heel (top view)
arabella: Short row heel (side view)