arabella: Hold 2 sticks and string like so.
arabella: Step 2: start looping the yarn back and forth between the needles
arabella: Final loop goes under the needles
arabella: Step 3: Start a new row in the round
arabella: Step 4: Add another needle
arabella: Second dpn added, top row complete
arabella: Step 5: rotate your work 180 degrees
arabella: Step 6: Finish round
arabella: Step 7: Move stitches to circular
arabella: Step 8: Knit first stitch
arabella: Step 9: M1
arabella: M1 in progress
arabella: Step 10: K to last st, M1, K
arabella: Row completed
arabella: Step 11: Turn work 180 degrees
arabella: Step 12: Tightening your cast on
arabella: Tightening the cast on
arabella: Dat shit's tight, yo
arabella: Cast on, tight & snappy