arabella: Pictures pictures!
arabella: Goofy sign, noose
arabella: Packing the chutes
arabella: Killing time, snapping pics
arabella: The beyootiful Helsinki-Malmi Airport
arabella: Three measly spiky strings are what holds me back from stealing that plane
arabella: Lookout tower at Malmi Airport
arabella: You know what would class up this crappy ass warehouse? A nice ARCH
arabella: Good thing I always come prepared with my sticks & string
arabella: "Legs UP I say!"
arabella: Comin' in for a landing
arabella: The Skydiving club plane
arabella: Skycrate alighting
arabella: Waiting for jumpers
arabella: Mmmmm pink parachute
arabella: Landings
arabella: Into the wild something yonder
arabella: "where is that "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa" sound coming from?"
arabella: Legs up or it's tits up
arabella: Bomph
arabella: Good ride
arabella: Landed
arabella: Happy Dave
arabella: Meet Sandwich, the skydiving mascot