miriness: Something beautiful
miriness: Something beautiful
miriness: Something beautiful
miriness: Something beautiful
miriness: Something Fishy
miriness: As cold as ice
miriness: This is the earth and there is only one...
miriness: Someday you'll understand..
miriness: Day 294 - Hey remember that time when my favorite colors were pink and green
miriness: Day 293 - sprinkles
miriness: Day 290 - stuck
miriness: Day 289 - If i kiss you where its sore, will you feel anything at all?
miriness: Day 288 - 'Cause I'm just a girl, Guess I'm some kind of freak
miriness: My inspiration board
miriness: The wedding dance
miriness: why can't thing be simple again...
miriness: the lights guide me home when i'm scared
miriness: Meep!
miriness: The film project - Tram
miriness: Pony Love
miriness: Sad flowers
miriness: Day 241 - Fairydust and stings
miriness: Day 230 - She had something to confess to, but you don't have the time, so look the other way
miriness: I think this daffodil is a bit of a show off
miriness: Day 225 - I guess i just got lost being someone else, let me be myself