Aquatic Ape:
Lazy Thursday morning
Aquatic Ape:
Nearly in focus
Aquatic Ape:
Among the weed
Aquatic Ape:
Sad Seal
Aquatic Ape:
Aquatic Ape:
Pre-dive Me
Aquatic Ape:
Swimming by
Aquatic Ape:
Did I scare you?
Aquatic Ape:
Peering through a porthole
Aquatic Ape:
Seal Squadron
Aquatic Ape:
A subset of seals
Aquatic Ape:
Risbecia godeffroyana
Aquatic Ape:
Batrachomoeus dubius
Aquatic Ape:
Gymnothorax prasinus
Aquatic Ape:
Bullina lineata
Aquatic Ape:
Hypselodoris bennetti