Aquatic Ape:
Tambja sp
Aquatic Ape:
Aquatic Ape:
Callionymidae sounds better than Stinkfish
Aquatic Ape:
Tasselled Angler
Aquatic Ape:
My new camera
Aquatic Ape:
Cropped Scorpion
Aquatic Ape:
Feeding Eagleray
Aquatic Ape:
Whitemouth Moray
Aquatic Ape:
Hinako's Greatest Hits
Aquatic Ape:
Junior Ecologist
Aquatic Ape:
Singing in the rain
Aquatic Ape:
Aquatic Ape:
Hinako goes Ape
Aquatic Ape:
Shy Cuttlefish
Aquatic Ape:
Hungry Nudi
Aquatic Ape:
Fly into the light
Aquatic Ape:
Dave in bad vis
Aquatic Ape:
Another dive completed
Aquatic Ape:
Oh boy... and boy!
Aquatic Ape:
It was once Chromodoris reticulata
Aquatic Ape:
Round peg, square hole
Aquatic Ape:
Blowing Bubbles
Aquatic Ape:
Night time Nembrotha: post-coital
Aquatic Ape:
Shy Hawkfish
Aquatic Ape:
Aquatic Ape:
Nudi love
Aquatic Ape:
Fat Blenny
Aquatic Ape:
Head into the current
Aquatic Ape:
Philippine nightdive
Aquatic Ape:
Porcelain Crab