Aquatic Ape: Soft coral, Philippines
Aquatic Ape: Philippine nightdive
Aquatic Ape: Head into the current
Aquatic Ape: Just let me rest here
Aquatic Ape: Porcelain Crab
Aquatic Ape: Nudi love
Aquatic Ape: Oh boy... and boy!
Aquatic Ape: What's down there...?
Aquatic Ape: Philippine Eel
Aquatic Ape: Reptilian Snake Eel
Aquatic Ape: Blacktip Grouper
Aquatic Ape: Frogfish @ Drydocks
Aquatic Ape: Snake Eel @ Sabang
Aquatic Ape: Reticulidia halgerda
Aquatic Ape: Lionfish
Aquatic Ape: Dive Dojo
Aquatic Ape: Porcelain Crab @ Sabang
Aquatic Ape: Clownfish
Aquatic Ape: Night time Nembrotha: post-coital
Aquatic Ape: Round peg, square hole
Aquatic Ape: Dave in bad vis
Aquatic Ape: Whitemouth Moray
Aquatic Ape: Cropped Scorpion
Aquatic Ape: It was once Chromodoris reticulata
Aquatic Ape: Help to ID this fish
Aquatic Ape: Whaleshark vid
Aquatic Ape: Stargazing at night
Aquatic Ape: Cowrie at night
Aquatic Ape: Banded Coral Seasnake
Aquatic Ape: Leaf Scorpion