Aquarius Reef Base:
Chris with barrel sponge used in experiments
Aquarius Reef Base:
Aquarius Reef Base:
Meredith with light level sensor system
Aquarius Reef Base:
Sensors on limestone slabs inhabited by boring sponges
Aquarius Reef Base:
The 5 meter and bottom sensor array
Aquarius Reef Base:
The near bottom light hydrocarbon sensor for early oil spill monitoring
Aquarius Reef Base:
A diver's view of the sensor array monitoring Keys outer reef track waters
Aquarius Reef Base:
Oxygen, light hydrocarbon and other sensors at 5m above bottom
Aquarius Reef Base:
A group of near bottom oxygen and light hydrocarbon sensors
Aquarius Reef Base:
Howard connecting sensor cables
Aquarius Reef Base:
Brad with two captured lionfish at Aquarius Reef Base
Aquarius Reef Base:
Meredith measuring oxygen concentrations in sponges
Aquarius Reef Base:
Brad in the Aquarius wetporch
Aquarius Reef Base:
Sponge rubble substrate for an ocean acidification experiment
Aquarius Reef Base:
Beautiful spadefish
Aquarius Reef Base:
Niels checking on oxygen sensor array
Aquarius Reef Base:
Tiny holes indicate where boring sponges live within the limestone
Aquarius Reef Base:
Diadema Reef is teeming with life
Aquarius Reef Base:
Tori's at the end of that rainbow!
Aquarius Reef Base:
Sensors for measuring methane, salinity and oxygen for our ocean acidification research
Aquarius Reef Base:
Barracudas hanging out under the Life Support Buoy
Aquarius Reef Base:
Meredith handling instrument cables
Aquarius Reef Base:
Niels examing reef rubble under Aquarius
Aquarius Reef Base:
Friendly Goliath under Aquarius
Aquarius Reef Base:
Patrick setting SEASII for nitrate analysis
Aquarius Reef Base:
Spadefish schooling