wintersoul1: before...2018-07-23
wintersoul1: very green, very striped......2018-07-29
wintersoul1: bbq pulled beef with salad lunch, version 2...2018-08-07
wintersoul1: fruit at dawn......2018 08 18
wintersoul1: fried green beans......2018-08-18
wintersoul1: fries......2018-08-20
wintersoul1: ice cream with blueberries......2018-08-20
wintersoul1: FRIED!2018 08 27
wintersoul1: roast chicken dinner.....2018-09-15
wintersoul1: Pumpkin season......2018-10-12
wintersoul1: limes!2018-10-16
wintersoul1: breakfast rolls......2018 10 25
wintersoul1: pot pie......2018 11 10
wintersoul1: brussel sprouts, boiled......2018-11-13
wintersoul1: boilng brussels...2018 11 13
wintersoul1: deviled eggs, thanksgiving......2018 11 22
wintersoul1: christmas cake with cherry sauce......2018 12 26
wintersoul1: 2019's First Cornbread...
wintersoul1: meat pies and dinner rolls......2019 01 06
wintersoul1: quiche...
wintersoul1: biscuits, whole wheat 3......2019-02-20
wintersoul1: fried onion rings!!!
wintersoul1: popcorn!2019 03 30
wintersoul1: bad habits......2019 04 15
wintersoul1: mashed potatoes for lunch.....2019-04-16
wintersoul1: tangerine 2......2019 04 24
wintersoul1: love, love, love biscuits......2019-04-24
wintersoul1: white rice 3 aug 2010
wintersoul1: frisee on a pale blue plate 800X625
wintersoul1: chocolate chip cookies from scratch1