♥amae♥: Soups Up
♥amae♥: Chicken Soup
♥amae♥: Our dinner was yummy.
♥amae♥: Yummy Dinner
♥amae♥: Steamed rice, fried tofu, and peanut butter sauce
♥amae♥: Crab and Shrimp California Rolls
♥amae♥: Mushroom Bhagar or Dry Fried Mushrooms
♥amae♥: Aloo Gobi or Potatoes and Califlower Curry
♥amae♥: Altoo Molee and Meeta Chawal or Lamb with Almonds and Coconut and Sweet Rice
♥amae♥: Bananas and Yogurt
♥amae♥: Shikar Chasnidargh or Sweet and Sour Pork
♥amae♥: Cranberry Bread
♥amae♥: Panna Cotta
♥amae♥: Panna Cotta
♥amae♥: Peah cobbler
♥amae♥: Spinach dip
♥amae♥: indian food
♥amae♥: Gobi dal and Chawal safran
♥amae♥: strawberry shortcake
♥amae♥: rainbow potato salad
♥amae♥: yummy recipe
♥amae♥: Dinner