.: dedes :.: 001/365
.: dedes :.: 002/365
.: dedes :.: 003/365
.: dedes :.: 004/365
.: dedes :.: 005/365
.: dedes :.: 006/365
.: dedes :.: 007/365
.: dedes :.: 1. In acknowledgement of Hallowe'en, your Critter of the Month is a black cat.
.: dedes :.: 3. What item can't you bear to throw away, even though it's broken? (Rob)
.: dedes :.: 2. Sports fan, milady's fan, industrial fan...the subject is fans of any sort.
.: dedes :.: 5. What does "keyboard" mean to you? Piano? Computer? Place to hang your keys?
.: dedes :.: 11. Scissors, shears and/or secateurs are to be the focal point of this assignment.
.: dedes :.: 10. Non-electric/non-battery lanterns and lamps are the subject. Bonus points for antiques.
.: dedes :.: 014/2012
.: dedes :.: Little Red Riding Hood
.: dedes :.: 016/365
.: dedes :.: 017/365
.: dedes :.: 018/365
.: dedes :.: 019/365
.: dedes :.: 020/365
.: dedes :.: 19. Take a shot in low light without using a flash. Experiment with a long exposure. (Russ)
.: dedes :.: 022/365
.: dedes :.: 023/365
.: dedes :.: 12. Show a means of keeping score or keeping a tally. Be creative!
.: dedes :.: 025/365
.: dedes :.: 026/365
.: dedes :.: 027/365
.: dedes :.: 028/365
.: dedes :.: 029/365
.: dedes :.: 031/365