joralher: bajando
joralher: amarillos sobre caracas / yellows on caracas
joralher: Tienda / Store
joralher: oficina
joralher: bateria
joralher: jojoto
joralher: monumento
joralher: techos (Bloques Amarillos)
joralher: pixel
joralher: escoltas
joralher: escenario II
joralher: escenario
joralher: Despistado (where we go?)
joralher: Mirador
joralher: partidaaa!
joralher: barandas
joralher: camaleon
joralher: montaña
joralher: reflejos / reflections
joralher: valla
joralher: cruz de concreto / cross of concrete
joralher: nevada
joralher: Plaza Juan Pedro Lopez
joralher: retazos
joralher: gemelos
joralher: bajo la sombra / under the shadow
joralher: caracas encapotada
joralher: on the desk
joralher: espera / wait