Apuch: Prep Station
Apuch: Ingredients
Apuch: Duck
Apuch: Removing leg from duck
Apuch: Bones in pan, skin in pot
Apuch: Duck sans legs (Bob)
Apuch: Breast removal
Apuch: Splitting the breasts after removing them from the back
Apuch: Breasts off the bird
Apuch: Duck Breasts (One boned)
Apuch: Duck Breasts
Apuch: Duck Legs weighted
Apuch: Duck breasts
Apuch: Bones in pan, duck skin in water
Apuch: Roasting bones and vegetables
Apuch: Stock and crackling
Apuch: Stock beginings
Apuch: Cracklin
Apuch: Crackling half way done
Apuch: crackling
Apuch: Almost done crackling
Apuch: Strained duck skin crackling
Apuch: Cous cous dish with grated parm
Apuch: Amy's Israeli cous cous stew with smoked duck and duck confit crackling
Apuch: Bubblin duck stock
Apuch: Duck stock in pot
Apuch: Duck legs awaiting salt treatment
Apuch: Fat from the cracklin and the cured legs
Apuch: Braised red cabbage with duck confit over cous cous stew.
Apuch: Cooked legs, top and bottom