aprilsaur: Marigolds are simple, easy to grow and one of the least pretentious flowers out there. I love them.
aprilsaur: True Love
aprilsaur: Strange perceptions
aprilsaur: My secretary
aprilsaur: Thanks for the beautiful rose bush Momma! Sorry it took a year for me to plant. It's now in its forever home, and this is its inaugural bloom.
aprilsaur: Lets go down to the tennis court
aprilsaur: I make massive leaps in logic
aprilsaur: I can has cute?
aprilsaur: I'm going to try for a sunset shot each night this week.
aprilsaur: "There's more beauty in truth, even if it is dreadful beauty." John Steinbeck, East of Eden
aprilsaur: I get the weirdest fortunes. #nofilter
aprilsaur: Baby tomaters
aprilsaur: That one rock looks like a tooth.
aprilsaur: Gopher(snake)
aprilsaur: Newt. I put him in a dark wet place.
aprilsaur: Here's to dead flowers
aprilsaur: shoreline
aprilsaur: upload
aprilsaur: Happy solstice suckers
aprilsaur: So often I feel out of focus. Sometimes sunsets on the eve of summer solstice are better that way. You be the judge.
aprilsaur: Dementia!
aprilsaur: the willow is hurt
aprilsaur: Made apricot preserves for the first time today w my sister. Thanks for the lessons, Amanda!
aprilsaur: #canning!
aprilsaur: The whole world laid out before you
aprilsaur: You know you want it
aprilsaur: This is Lisa. She's crazy. I'm a big fan.
aprilsaur: I need a little pain killa
aprilsaur: Zoie says I have to separate my posts more. Whatev
aprilsaur: upload