April L. Sanders: Rollerball
April L. Sanders: Dan O'Hara
April L. Sanders: Mr. Frederick
April L. Sanders: Betty Boop goes to Dunes
April L. Sanders: D E V O
April L. Sanders: L U T I O N
April L. Sanders: The Castanets
April L. Sanders: The Castanets
April L. Sanders: Ray Raposa
April L. Sanders: Sexual cords
April L. Sanders: Kevin Laird & Connor Kirkwood
April L. Sanders: Greta Smith & KORG
April L. Sanders: Captivated audience
April L. Sanders: Sexual Bigbird
April L. Sanders: Kevin Laird slash Von Mutant
April L. Sanders: I think they're dating
April L. Sanders: Greta has a a pair of eyes on her
April L. Sanders: As it were
April L. Sanders: Outback steakhouse