April L. Sanders: Andy's home
April L. Sanders: Sleeping during live rock music rocks
April L. Sanders: Downtown night San Diego
April L. Sanders: Rabbit Isle
April L. Sanders: The eventful attempt at making art in the desert
April L. Sanders: Hot, as in heat
April L. Sanders: Guera, the dog in the desert
April L. Sanders: Staircase to the tidepools by the pier, $0.00
April L. Sanders: Anti War-Bush protest
April L. Sanders: Oregon at 40 mph in a Budget rental, towing a VW convertible
April L. Sanders: Evidence of trails
April L. Sanders: Oh, Ocean
April L. Sanders: Dude, he was totally here
April L. Sanders: The dock & still sky river
April L. Sanders: Restaurant CLOSED due to something having to do with the river
April L. Sanders: Cool bird
April L. Sanders: Still Florence
April L. Sanders: Favorite spot of the day
April L. Sanders: They make sounds
April L. Sanders: Bordering fence between the sand dunes and Fred Meyer
April L. Sanders: End of the Golf Course
April L. Sanders: Rocks, meet water, water, meet rocks
April L. Sanders: Edge of golf course
April L. Sanders: California
April L. Sanders: A row of trees