aprilcott: broder range
aprilcott: broder wall
aprilcott: clyde common
aprilcott: clyde common
aprilcott: spruce goose pano
aprilcott: pointing from my concrete island
aprilcott: ...AND tanks
aprilcott: planes AND guns
aprilcott: spruce goose scale
aprilcott: antique fair shooting target, workings
aprilcott: antique fair shooting target
aprilcott: inside the spruce goose
aprilcott: planeface
aprilcott: yellow peril
aprilcott: whippet/greyhound emblem
aprilcott: mail plane
aprilcott: ford tri-motor
aprilcott: scottish pride!
aprilcott: daily lefse
aprilcott: beery brunch