Mission: Theoretical: The guy on the left would not stop ranting on politics (didn’t like Trump) - outside a strip club in the Quarter. The other guy finally said, "I could say 'fish sticks' and you would go off on a rant," before shaking his head and making his exit.
Mission: Theoretical: French Quarter
Mission: Theoretical: Humans of the French Quarter v.8
Mission: Theoretical: Dumaine Street / French Quarter
Mission: Theoretical: Monument to Charles "Buddy" Bolden. The first King of Jazz. "The blowingest man since Gabriel." Jelly Roll Morton
Mission: Theoretical: If I were spending my own money, this would be the one.
Mission: Theoretical: Sometimes Beauty is a Beast. Ford Mustang Mach 1.
Mission: Theoretical: Yeah, there.
Mission: Theoretical: Shop Window / Chartres and Dumaine
Mission: Theoretical: Beckham’s Bookshop. French Quarter.
Mission: Theoretical: Alligator Creole / Evangeline's / French Quarter
Mission: Theoretical: In memoriam. Self Portrait. 3:32 in the a.m. New Orleans, Louisiana. 2019.
Mission: Theoretical: Allen Toussaint Mural / New Orleans
Mission: Theoretical: "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls..."
Mission: Theoretical: happy accidents
Mission: Theoretical: Fallen / Madisonville, Louisiana
Mission: Theoretical: New Orleans Jazz Museum
Mission: Theoretical: New Orleans Museum of Art
Mission: Theoretical: New Orleans Museum of Art
Mission: Theoretical: As the poet said, the hour is getting late.
Mission: Theoretical: Our Little John Henry / Greenwood Cemetery
Mission: Theoretical: Christmas Day. 2018. French Market.
Mission: Theoretical: Jackson Square
Mission: Theoretical: Let-loose-in-the-French-Quarter-with-a-long-lens-blues...
Mission: Theoretical: Let-loose-in-the-French-Quarter-with-a-long-lens-blues...
Mission: Theoretical: New Orleans, Louisiana. Peace.