D. Kong: Fiat Lux in Reykjavik
D. Kong: Stay Gold Ponyboy
D. Kong: Vestige of the past
D. Kong: The Serpent and the Rainbow
D. Kong: Moving Ice Art
D. Kong: Warmth in the distance
D. Kong: As we walked on hills of gold
D. Kong: I think we're alone now...there doesn't seem to be any one around
D. Kong: Holy smokes
D. Kong: Reflecting on the journey
D. Kong: Ghosts of 73
D. Kong: He made the sound that Scooby Doo made
D. Kong: Altered perspective
D. Kong: Almost to civilization
D. Kong: Real life Q*bert
D. Kong: Soft stillness and the night
D. Kong: Return to the Blue Lagoon
D. Kong: Transcendentalism