appleswartz: Contemplative.
appleswartz: Dana digging.
appleswartz: Accidental shot.
appleswartz: Karla takes front and center.
appleswartz: Dana Falconberry and the Dreamy Bunch.
appleswartz: Rose in her masterpiece.
appleswartz: I'm in love with a headless woman.
appleswartz: That's a wrap on the lizard.
appleswartz: Beauty beneath the afghan.
appleswartz: Bowerbird's nest.
appleswartz: Cold feet.
appleswartz: Blue feet on the nest path.
appleswartz: Found their instruments.
appleswartz: Don't trip.
appleswartz: Hypnotized.
appleswartz: Suzie in the tree.
appleswartz: Chris and Liondsey.
appleswartz: Pathway.
appleswartz: Dana plays the tree.
appleswartz: Suzie puts Liondsey in a trance.
appleswartz: Sitting is always a mistake.