Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Craig and Anne Boyce IMG_0302
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: From left: Anne Boyce, Rajesh Marthala and Craig Boyce IMG_0421
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: General Manager, Ausfarm Fresh Operations Pty Ltd, Craig Boyce IMG_0440
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: IMG_0436 harvesting apples Queensland
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Tan Lee picking apples IMG_0435
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Craig Boyce IMG_0428
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: IMG_0427 harvesting apples Queensland
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Ben Bobby (lt) and Craig Boyce (rt) in the packing shed IMG_0417
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce IMG_0415
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Red delicious apples IMG_0359
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Apia, Samoa IMG_0291
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce (lt) with a local Samoan woman helping her to catch a bus IMG_0286
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Shem Leo Agafili, CEO for Samoa’s Ministry of the Prime Minister and Anne Boyce IMG_0252
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce conducting hand-eye coordination, comprehension and speed testing in Samoa. IMG_0152
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce conducting hand-eye coordination, comprehension and speed testing in Samoa. IMG_0136
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce conducting hand-eye coordination, comprehension and speed testing in Samoa. IMG_0131
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce conducting hand-eye coordination, comprehension and speed testing in Samoa. IMG_0060
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Anne Boyce conducting hand-eye coordination, comprehension and speed testing in Samoa. IMG_0034
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd: Craig and Anne Boyce IMG_0393