Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter DSC_7900
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter DSC_7901
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter DSC_7989
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter DSC_8031
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter with netting DSC_7993
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter with netting DSC_8019
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchard in winter with netting DSC_8020
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchards and netting in winter DSC_8049
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Batlow apple orchards in winter with netting DSC_8056
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Billy the dog DSC_8123
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Billy the dog in apple orchard DSC_8173
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Billy the dog in apple orchard DSC_8175
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Billy the dog in apple orchard DSC_8176
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Billy the dog in apple orchard DSC_8187
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Bud of apple tree in winter DSC_8218
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Bud of apple tree in winter DSC_8221
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Bud on apple tree in winter DSC_8205
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Buds on apple tree branch DSC_8287
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Buds on apple tree in winter DSC_8265
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Apple branch in winter with moon in background DSC_7858
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Tienie Du Preex discussing roots at Future Orchards DSC_8238
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Tienie Du Preez discussing roots at Future Orchards DSC_8240
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Tienie Du Preez inspecting apple tree roots DSC_8225
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Tienie Du Preez inspecting apple tree roots DSC_8227
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Training apple tree branches DSC_8261
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Training branches - apple tree DSC_8277
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Winter pruning of apple tree in Mouats orchard with Geoff DSC_8115
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Geoff pruning - Billy the dog supervising in apple orchard DSC_8179
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Inspecting apple tree roots DSC_8305
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Pendulant limbs on apple tree DSC_8274