Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4212 IPLA group photo
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4218 IPLA group photo
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_3915 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_3937 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_3923 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_3984 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_3982 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4032 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4063 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4067 IPLA meeting
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4071 IPLA meeting
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4011 IPLA meeting
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4047 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4049 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4005 Brett Ennis
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4065 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4009 IPLA meeting
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_3997 IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4196 IPLA dinner
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
20150929_185512 IPLA dinner
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
20150929_204546 IPLA charicatures
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4381 Howard Hanse talks to IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4241 Howard Hansen talks to IPLA participants
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4417 Apple flower buds
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4295 Apple orchard in flower
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4524 IPLA particpants at Howard Hansen packing shed
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4446 Garry Langford-Mark Hankin- Ryan Au - Craig Chester inspect apples at Howard Hansen pakcing shed
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4502 IPLA participants at Howard Hansen packing shed
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4508 Andy Macdonald inspect apples
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
DSC_4513 Craig Chester and Ryan Au inspect apples