Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Richard Cartwright pruning apple trees at Fankhauser Apples DSC_2602
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Fankhauser Apples sign DSC_2596
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Brad Fankhauser pruning Pink Lady apple trees DSC_2673
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
First ever rows of Alvina Gala apples DSC_2638
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Fankhauser history shed DSC_2746
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Brad Fankhauser in front of original Alvina Gala apple tree DSC_2689
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Alvina Gala apple on white background
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
First ever row of Alvina Gala apple trees DSC_2623
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Peppa the dog and Brad Fankhauser DSC_2635
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Leaf wetness gauge DSC_2728
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Peppa the dog and Brad Fankhauser DSC_2628
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Pink Lady apple trees in V trellis 2D DSC_2741
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Richard Cartwright pruning apple trees at Fankhauser Apples DSC_2602
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Sliced Alvina Gala apples DSC_2778
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Richard Cartwright pruning apple trees DSC_2616
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Brad Fankhauser DSC_2646
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Brad Fankhauser DSC_2647
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Richard Cartwright pruning apple trees DSC_2616
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Brad Fankhauser pruning Pink Lady apple trees DSC_2664
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Apple orchards under nets at Fankhauser Apples DSC_2642
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Peppa the dog and Brad Fankhauser DSC_2636
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd:
Brad Fankhauser DSC_2633