Appleping: 顺利出来罗湖海关 Come out from the Customs
Appleping: 要买地铁票罗 Buying subway fare
Appleping: 深圳机场取行李中 Baggage Pickup at Shenzhen Airport
Appleping: 成人车票2张哦 2 Adult tickets
Appleping: 小心被夹手哦 Watch out your hands
Appleping: 地铁里玩拍拍 taking picture in Subway
Appleping: 地铁里也要玩 Playing in the Subway
Appleping: 地铁空空了 Empty Subway
Appleping: 九龙塘换乘站 Kowloon Tong Station
Appleping: 两个笨女人 2 stupid women
Appleping: 海滩之夏 Beach in Summer
Appleping: 投币电话联络中 Inserting a coin to the pay phone
Appleping: 夏之花 Flower of Summer
Appleping: 再来一张地铁照 another subway photo
Appleping: 从吭口地铁站出来还要接着搭巴士 taking bus from Hang Hau Station
Appleping: 从43层往下看就是这样的美丽风景 Looking from above 43 floor
Appleping: 贝壳开会 Shells on Meeting
Appleping: 装酷中 Be Cool
Appleping: 海味就是这样晾干的 The Dried Seafood
Appleping: 活的海胆呢!Live Sea urchin
Appleping: 活的哦~哇哇哇 Its aLive
Appleping: 很爱Mini
Appleping: 很漂亮的海港 Beautiful Habour
Appleping: 已经很饿了 I am Starving
Appleping: 全记海鲜 Quan Kee Seafood Restaurant
Appleping: 你拍海鲜我拍你
Appleping: 你们猜弄的手会疼吗?Will it hurt your hand?
Appleping: 开始减速 Reduce speed now
Appleping: 麻布茶房 Azabu Sabo
Appleping: 香港西贡海边夜景 Night View of the Seaside