lonniejean3484 Howdy: My First Little Tiny Bird....."EXPLORE" Apr 5,2009 #476
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Another little bird...
lonniejean3484 Howdy: They are so amazing and little...
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Amazing how tiny they are....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: I DID IT.... I got a bird....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: They are so tiny and amazing...
lonniejean3484 Howdy: The sweet love of life....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: My Little Bird Story.....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Hey!! Get us out of here!!!
lonniejean3484 Howdy: I See you.....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Happy New Year....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Hey!!! I bet you can't do this??? "EXPLORE" Feb 4, 2011 #448
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Wow What a KISS......"EXPLORE" Feb 18, 2011 #483
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Meet..Mr. & Mrs Duck....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: That's It... No more Pictures .. I'm tired....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Where's the food??
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Hey !!! Look!!! I did it... I got some birds...."EXPLORE" Feb 23,2011 #489
lonniejean3484 Howdy: How Sad the last picture I could take on my Camera the memory card was full...."EXPLORE" Mar 19,2011 #483
lonniejean3484 Howdy: The sun is out....and so are the birds..
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Better hurry before the others get here
lonniejean3484 Howdy: I see you.....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: My day with the birds.....Smile... Action...Shoot...."Explorer" May 1,2011 #490
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Wow more food....
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Lunch time...
lonniejean3484 Howdy: Amazing you would think that I was not there...
lonniejean3484 Howdy: See no hands ...can you do this???
lonniejean3484 Howdy: wow...I see you....