Apple Crisp: Prayer Flags in Winter
Apple Crisp: checking out a guitar...
Apple Crisp: Cool Down
Apple Crisp: Diving
Apple Crisp: Goosey Goose
Apple Crisp: River Sunset
Apple Crisp: February Breezes
Apple Crisp: Storm!
Apple Crisp: ~ the bowl ~
Apple Crisp: Expanse
Apple Crisp: Trisha Harris
Apple Crisp: Stones 2
Apple Crisp: Flooded Fish Ladder
Apple Crisp: Bridges
Apple Crisp: Trisha Harris
Apple Crisp: Marvin Allen
Apple Crisp: Friendly Duo
Apple Crisp: Gnomon
Apple Crisp: Addam Stark
Apple Crisp: Trestle
Apple Crisp: Upper Sacramento River at Sweetbriar
Apple Crisp: Custom Soundholes on "Waimea"
Apple Crisp: "Whoa! He's pretty big - but I'm fast!"
Apple Crisp: Blaze, Tenzin, and Tashi
Apple Crisp: "Ah, bliss...."
Apple Crisp: Open Wings
Apple Crisp: Bright Light and Wings
Apple Crisp: Rippled Forest
Apple Crisp: Cables and Clouds