Apple Crisp: On the Peak
Apple Crisp: Richard at Panther Meadows
Apple Crisp: Michael and Fuzzy
Apple Crisp: Yellow Rose
Apple Crisp: Michael Plays the Little Meadow
Apple Crisp: A Few Moments of Down Time
Apple Crisp: Tony Gagarin
Apple Crisp: Aw....
Apple Crisp: In the Boulders 2
Apple Crisp: In the Boulders 3
Apple Crisp: In the Boulders 1
Apple Crisp: Getting the Angle Just Right
Apple Crisp: Shasta College Poetry Festival
Apple Crisp: Charles and Lucy
Apple Crisp: Charles
Apple Crisp: Showing the Shot
Apple Crisp: Photographer In the Grass
Apple Crisp: Shooting the Bridge
Apple Crisp: Gretchen
Apple Crisp: Bliss!
Apple Crisp: Snow Smile
Apple Crisp: Happy 86th Birthday!
Apple Crisp: The Park Bench
Apple Crisp: Leaving....
Apple Crisp: Goodbye
Apple Crisp: mother and daughter