Applecow: caption02
Applecow: grassy
Applecow: painful
Applecow: He lost his head
Applecow: mousey's back
Applecow: Cameron Highlands 2004
Applecow: cone
Applecow: Chemical cabinet
Applecow: Di's birthday pressie
Applecow: Jeff and Dicky (dicky was quite small then)
Applecow: Jani
Applecow: Jim and his antics
Applecow: Halloween at Botanic Gardens
Applecow: We'll miss you TL!
Applecow: NYDC
Applecow: Lembeh...
Applecow: Launch of Pulau Semakau
Applecow: Jani all covered up
Applecow: It was a coincidence
Applecow: TL and Eric
Applecow: To Kusu
Applecow: no need for caption
Applecow: Sunday afternoon in the lab
Applecow: grab.JPG
Applecow: Lemang Telor Pindang
Applecow: This is how you eat it.
Applecow: jani is all warped
Applecow: jani
Applecow: jani??!