JaneBar: deborah 583 + BM 315
Lola Fernandes: Moonbow - Hits
Lola Fernandes: Sweet Dream (Capricho) + Tendresse (Penelope Luz)
Lola Fernandes: Esmalte de aniversário!
Francinii: Wedding Dress - Penélope Luz
Mrslochness: Jelly Sandwich
Too Busy to Study: Ahhh.......(suspiros)
Too Busy to Study: Absolum - your potions master
KonadTheBarbarian: Orly Mermaid Tale over Prorance 7
Penélope Luz: Misturinha Escândalo
Cinthia Emerich: Jade - Déjà Vu
modanamao: Hera HITS
Mrslochness: Valentines Mani :)
Mrslochness: Blue heart
Mrslochness: gold glitter
Flavinháááh: 371 Hits + Hip Hop DNA Italy
Silkа: ESSIE Navigate her
Cinthia Emerich: [Desafio das 31 Unhas] Unha 30 - Inspirada por um Tutorial
Penélope Luz: Marble Nail - Moon Lagoon OPI + Saint George A-England
Penélope Luz: Desafio 31 Unhas :: Unha 17 :: Glitter
AmyGrace86: Dangerous Duochrome
nihrida: a England - Dragon
Mrslochness: Born to the Purple
Mrslochness: Flecked
unhasdabel: Mais um holo!
mahccosta: Sky High-Top - China Glaze
Penélope Luz: Verde Água Colorama + Misturinha Gita
Rovena Simoura: Atrevida - Colorama + Ouro - Impala
Penélope Luz: Misturinha Eva Fellings