apocope: Intro
apocope: "PB&J: a gift from all of us at next"
apocope: "PB&J: a gift from all of us at next"
apocope: "Chicken Soup: no noodles, a noodle of chicken"
apocope: "Chicken Soup: no noodles, a noodle of chicken"
apocope: "Fish-n-Chips: drawn by a child"
apocope: "Fish-n-Chips: drawn by a child"
apocope: "Mac & Cheese: a merry-go-round of garnishes"
apocope: "Mac & Cheese: a merry-go-round of garnishes"
apocope: "Autumn Scene: a walk through a Michigan forest"
apocope: "Autumn Scene: a walk through a Michigan forest"
apocope: "Hamburger: McDonald's, Burger King, White Castle...no?"
apocope: "Hamburger: McDonald's, Burger King, White Castle...no?"
apocope: I love it when a lunch comes together
apocope: "Lunch Box: nutella snack pack, wagyu jerky, apple-brandy leather, truffled oreo, homemade funyun"
apocope: "'Foie'sting and Donuts: lick it off the beater"
apocope: "Sweet Potato Pie: campfire on your table"
apocope: "Sweet Potato Pie: campfire on your table"
apocope: "Sweet Potato Pie: campfire on your table"
apocope: "Sweet Potato Pie: campfire on your table"
apocope: "Sweet Potato Pie: campfire on your table"