apocope: Balloon Carmen
apocope: Welcome to Halsted
apocope: Nothing worse than politicizing a holiday.
apocope: Dragon head.
apocope: The woman, the short one, she was nuts.
apocope: Bouncer
apocope: dapper.
apocope: I hope this dragon sticks around and kills some animatronic Xmas reindeer
apocope: Children. Aww.
apocope: Check out mini-Conan in the middle.
apocope: No marching band=not a parade
apocope: Wearing a sign on your costume is commensurate with having to explain a punchline. Not good.
apocope: Sled dog breed, dressed as a sled dog, pulling a sled with a stuffed sled dog in it.
apocope: Baby Jesus cries when you waste donuts on a lurid costume.
apocope: Superheroes The Bedazzler and The Hebrew Hammer dropped in
apocope: Superheroes The Bedazzler and The Hebrew Hammer dropped in
apocope: Dog as sheep.
apocope: Borat has been relegated to parade walker. Not great success.
apocope: Not the most attractive drag queen of the evening.
apocope: Cute couple.
apocope: Seriously. These zombies were totally in character.
apocope: Christmas merchandising onslaught to follow
apocope: PWT
apocope: Popes and Demons (so happy to-gether)
apocope: Mmmm. She's going to tell me to eat cake.
apocope: Stop me if you've heard this: Gayngels in America
apocope: Leather, Fire
apocope: Ah good, the Crusades are here
apocope: Three-Headed Dragon
apocope: No real costume, but a flaming sword