apocaknits: road trip selfie
apocaknits: Gabe doing stickers in the car
apocaknits: Harley and me chilling at one of the hotels we stopped at.
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: Gabe on a kickass swing
apocaknits: Gabe at a park in Memphis
apocaknits: Gabe on a kickass swing
apocaknits: Gabe and Harley
apocaknits: Gabe and Harley
apocaknits: Gabe
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: Best Dad
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: That time where we were driving through Texas and it was randomly on fire.
apocaknits: Really windy on the ferry
apocaknits: On the ferry to Galveston
apocaknits: Ferry from Bolivar to Galveston
apocaknits: small, medium and large dogs
apocaknits: All of that traveling was hard work.
apocaknits: This kid's favorite kind of playground
apocaknits: wrenching on his ride
apocaknits: alright
apocaknits: John making new handlbars for Gabe's wheelchair
apocaknits: Making new handlebars for Gabe's wheelchair
apocaknits: Gabe and me
apocaknits: Chase x2
apocaknits: Birthday celebration
apocaknits: Unwrapping presents