apocaknits: Avocado face
apocaknits: Avocado face
apocaknits: cuties
apocaknits: IMG_5472.jpg
apocaknits: IMG_5483.jpg
apocaknits: Easter!
apocaknits: IMG_5585.jpg
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: IMG_5763.jpg
apocaknits: IMG_5824.jpg
apocaknits: John and Gabe
apocaknits: IMG_5852-2.jpg
apocaknits: Me and Gabe
apocaknits: IMG_5872.jpg
apocaknits: Gabe found an egg!
apocaknits: Then he actually put the egg in the basket, which is a new thing he's just started doing so we were pretty excited.
apocaknits: IMG_5890.jpg
apocaknits: Putting another egg in the basket
apocaknits: Gabe riding a (Easter?)dino
apocaknits: He has the bunny in a pretty tight choke-hold here
apocaknits: It's effin bright out here Mom
apocaknits: Gabe in his Easter outfit
apocaknits: Gabe in his Easter outfit
apocaknits: Gabe and Harley
apocaknits: Gabe
apocaknits: Gabe
apocaknits: Gabe watching Grampy
apocaknits: Gabe crawling in the grass
apocaknits: Gabe dug (and ate) a hole