aplumb: TV, Be Gone! - IMG_2485
aplumb: Finally getting around to my @EMSL Larsen Scanner from last year's #OHSummit
aplumb: MintyBoost complete. Next up: TV-B-Gone
aplumb: One not-cheap iColor Tile FX 2:2
aplumb: TriggerTrap sneak peak.
aplumb: TriggerTrap sneak peak.
aplumb: @Artengine's Ryan Stec in today's @OttawaCitizen!
aplumb: MakerBot in Cupboard
aplumb: Mac Mini for Mod Lab MakerBot
aplumb: Ottawa ModLab MakerBot
aplumb: Step 14 of eggbot construction - sit on surface to make flush.
aplumb: 8-Bit Violin Test Cut - IMG_2808
aplumb: 8-Bit Violin - Panel 1 - IMG_2810
aplumb: 8-Bit Violin - Panel 1 - IMG_2809
aplumb: No, the solder isn't mint-flavoured - IMG_2483