AphroChic: Jeanine Hays
AphroChic: vote for ac
AphroChic: interview w/ aphrochic on get togetha
AphroChic: vivre sale
AphroChic: aphrochic design philadelphia e card
AphroChic: aphrochic in lavish magazine september 2009
AphroChic: aphrochicshop website
AphroChic: apartment therapy sep 30 2009
AphroChic: aphrochic invite final
AphroChic: AphroChic on The Bright Side Project
AphroChic: decor8
AphroChic: the inside stoop
AphroChic: mustard seed collective 12 2 09
AphroChic: aphrochic signature9 12 2 09
AphroChic: at re-nest
AphroChic: desire to inspire
AphroChic: daily candy aphrochic press
AphroChic: made by girl
AphroChic: design milk
AphroChic: the inside stoop 1
AphroChic: AphroChic Guest Blog Series for Lucky Magazine
AphroChic: lucky magazine shopping report february 2010
AphroChic: lucky magazine february 2010 issue cover
AphroChic: lucky deals from the issue
AphroChic: bloggers day of action for haiti
AphroChic: bloggers day of action for haiti
AphroChic: makeunder my life interview
AphroChic: Margaret Russell at Elle Decor Signing Book
AphroChic: Elle Decor Event at Gump's
AphroChic: Elle Decor Event at Gump's