apeture2010: meiko smiling1286
apeture2010: amy and zeus
apeture2010: julius
apeture2010: julius and zeus
apeture2010: zeus in the lake
apeture2010: julius running in the lake
apeture2010: julius and charlie
apeture2010: julius and charlie playing with a stick
apeture2010: julius and charlie playing with a stick
apeture2010: zeus tongue wagging
apeture2010: meiko and julius
apeture2010: zeus and julius
apeture2010: julius on guard
apeture2010: charlie on the back of the boat
apeture2010: zeus resting
apeture2010: Julius resting
apeture2010: blue tube
apeture2010: hanging basket
apeture2010: blue lake
apeture2010: Jordan on the dock
apeture2010: Jordan blowing bubbles
apeture2010: Jordan and amy
apeture2010: Jordan and amy
apeture2010: meiko loves amy
apeture2010: Jordans daquiri
apeture2010: jordan Close Up
apeture2010: Jason bear
apeture2010: jordan flying
apeture2010: jordan flying
apeture2010: playing in the sunset