northways: Colin and sarah on the deck
northways: Colin on the deck
northways: Those windows open like doors
northways: That palm has coconuts!
northways: Our drain pipes leak
northways: Our gutters leak
northways: Our kitchen
northways: Our deck and our beach
northways: Chaloklum pier
northways: Chaloklum bay
northways: Chaloklum
northways: Motorbike on the road
northways: satDish
northways: Taluka at the coffee shop
northways: Tabitha waiting for the bus
northways: Colin at the Flower Expo
northways: Colin and his new camera
northways: First try of the new cam
northways: Sarah and the old cam
northways: Luke with some birdhouses
northways: Orchids at the Ratchaphruek
northways: Steps to a temple.. thing
northways: Sarah and a songthaew
northways: Colin attacked by a cat
northways: Chillin in Chiang Mai
northways: Chang Beer
northways: Our hotel in Chiang Mai
northways: Elephant eating a man!
northways: Elephant painting
northways: Taking our rice to market