Kirsten Marie Hutton: Lilo does not enjoy walks.
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Lilo & Stitch ❤
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Strike a pose
Kirsten Marie Hutton: 'Sup. #lilothefrenchbulldog
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Lilo's gonna WRECK IT. And there's no Fix it Felix in sight.
Kirsten Marie Hutton: The sweater brigade. ☔
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Practically perfect in every way.
Kirsten Marie Hutton: My little goober
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Judging you.
Kirsten Marie Hutton: The puppies were nestled all snug in their bed, while visions of bacon treats danced in their heads...
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Can we open presents now?!
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Good morning. #lilothefrenchbulldog
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Cuddle time.
Kirsten Marie Hutton: Doing her best to blend in with the decor.