PamHutch: Stepping out ...
PamHutch: Verona Arena
PamHutch: Fair Verona
PamHutch: PamPam
PamHutch: Juliet - well groped
PamHutch: "Juliet's balcony"
PamHutch: Let the games begin
PamHutch: Peschiera del Garda
PamHutch: Peschiera del Garda
PamHutch: Bird lady
PamHutch: Strip tease
PamHutch: Bridge of Sighs
PamHutch: Battlements at night
PamHutch: Dead end
PamHutch: Ponte Dell'Accademia
PamHutch: Venice
PamHutch: Going, going, gondolas
PamHutch: "Open some time"
PamHutch: "O Sole Mio"
PamHutch: Rialto
PamHutch: Grand lunch
PamHutch: Il Duomo at night
PamHutch: The walls have ears
PamHutch: Portcullis, arms
PamHutch: Windows
PamHutch: Arches
PamHutch: Flayed alive
PamHutch: Retail therapy
PamHutch: Il Duomo, Milan