apdz07: come again?
apdz07: haha
apdz07: bagpipers from outta nowhere!!
apdz07: lol @ the cone fella
apdz07: heaps of security!
apdz07: :O
apdz07: toga line
apdz07: :O
apdz07: thats a lol moment right there
apdz07: plastic bags
apdz07: toga parade!
apdz07: too cool
apdz07: b4
apdz07: bendy door!
apdz07: Tooth fairy
apdz07: Fairy breath
apdz07: St Claires
apdz07: St Claires
apdz07: Invasion!
apdz07: ...
apdz07: Blackhead Surf Beach
apdz07: Camp ABFN Watch
apdz07: Sunshine
apdz07: Vertical again!
apdz07: Foosball
apdz07: swimming road cone...
apdz07: predator vs prey