apdz07: hedgehog!
apdz07: oh noes.
apdz07: g/o
apdz07: o.o
apdz07: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
apdz07: Chris
apdz07: The man that fell from the sky...
apdz07: The Frontline
apdz07: Rototuna
apdz07: Last Light
apdz07: Fanta
apdz07: grass shot!
apdz07: low cost low cost low cost
apdz07: =(
apdz07: =)
apdz07: Invasion of the Giant Grass!!
apdz07: B.Club
apdz07: ...
apdz07: ...
apdz07: Batman and Robin?
apdz07: 6 legs
apdz07: Anchoi
apdz07: Aww
apdz07: Let go...
apdz07: Suburban Nightmare