Adam Paris: Ghost Cue 2
Adam Paris: IMG_1296
Adam Paris: IMG_0656
Adam Paris: IMG_0498crop (Large)
Adam Paris: IMG_0489
Adam Paris: IMG_0291cs2
Adam Paris: IMG_0214cs2
Adam Paris: IMG_0281
Adam Paris: IMG_0033
Adam Paris: Samson
Adam Paris: bass fret (super macro)
Adam Paris: down the bass neck (super macro)
Adam Paris: the infamous broken mirror wall
Adam Paris: under the bridge
Adam Paris: window
Adam Paris: Green River Steel Mill
Adam Paris: Green River Steel Mill
Adam Paris: Green River Steel Mill
Adam Paris: Green River Steel Mill
Adam Paris: Medley warehouse
Adam Paris: thru to the outside
Adam Paris: tractor
Adam Paris: abstract moon shot
Adam Paris: simple
Adam Paris: stairs to nowhere
Adam Paris: stairs
Adam Paris: orton - steam engine room - coal mine
Adam Paris: orton - old tractor
Adam Paris: orton - old times
Adam Paris: moon 2-27-07