A Outra Voz:
Just a hat, like many others :p
A Outra Voz:
Short summary
A Outra Voz:
Architecture vs. sun - contrasts
A Outra Voz:
Real socialism architecture
A Outra Voz:
Academy of Sciences (inside)
A Outra Voz:
Impossible not to see :)
A Outra Voz:
Eternal love
A Outra Voz:
Down, by the riverside
A Outra Voz:
Drogas, cenas krit! 50%...
A Outra Voz:
One photo says it all...
A Outra Voz:
Stand up, all victims of oppression
A Outra Voz:
At the market
A Outra Voz:
At the market
A Outra Voz:
At the market (squares, squares)
A Outra Voz:
At the market
A Outra Voz:
And how about the weather?
A Outra Voz:
A restaurant in Riga
A Outra Voz:
The restaurant's window ;)
A Outra Voz:
Toy City
A Outra Voz:
Art Nouveau Riga
A Outra Voz:
It's all so quiet...
A Outra Voz:
Stairway to heaven
A Outra Voz:
Are you sure you want to get on this bus?
A Outra Voz:
Err... to run or not to run?
A Outra Voz:
Love is name
A Outra Voz:
- I ' I -
A Outra Voz:
Cape Kolka
A Outra Voz:
Pick one, pick me! (I can be a sweet teddy bear too)
A Outra Voz:
Holistic napkin holder
A Outra Voz:
[ O ]