Rob Ireton: below the surface
Rob Ireton: centered
Rob Ireton: fleeting glimpse
Rob Ireton: tea provides focus
Rob Ireton: take a sip
Rob Ireton: interface
Rob Ireton: stunning geese
Rob Ireton: Soybeans at Long Branch Farm
Rob Ireton: fly’s eyes
Rob Ireton: green fly
Rob Ireton: sursum ad summum
Rob Ireton: field beneath the sky
Rob Ireton: slug
Rob Ireton: tiny snail
Rob Ireton: red-eared slider
Rob Ireton: orange & black
Rob Ireton: Avey’s Run · Detail
Rob Ireton: autumn pond reflection
Rob Ireton: above and below
Rob Ireton: I dreamed of crows and grackles overhead
Rob Ireton: goose step
Rob Ireton: Blue-fronted Dancer (Argia apicalis)
Rob Ireton: fun-gus
Rob Ireton: surfacing
Rob Ireton: frog
Rob Ireton: Dad
Rob Ireton: found stones
Rob Ireton: stoic